
 大多数瑞典人的内心是很善良的,可是很多外国人到了瑞典移民的时候还是感觉到瑞典人的冷,这种冷不是不热情,而是是一种走不进的距离和疏离感,他们很安静,很有礼貌,文质彬彬,你遇到困难也会伸出援手,可是却无法拥有一起大块喝酒,大块吃肉的畅快感,永远不要想象可以和瑞典的朋友好到穿一条裤子,他们从小自我,独立,好的教养意识让他们大多数的时候都表现的很高素质,至少在公共场合的时候是这样的,没有谁有野蛮或者无赖的举动,几十年的老邻居相处的很和睦,每天一起喝咖啡,却可能永远不知道各家其中的各色隐事,个人隐私,久远的故事,无论怎样个人的选择都会被普遍尊重, 比如同性恋,比如终身不嫁, 终身未娶,除了涉及人品的行为没有人会对别人的生活说三道四,当然如果是不道德的行为还是会被大部分人鄙视。
Most swedes heart is very kind, but many foreigners when the Swedish immigrants still feel cold, Swedish this cold not enthusiastic, but it is a kind of can't walk into the distance and sense of alienation, their quiet, polite, gentle, will help you meet difficulties, but can't together with large pieces of drinking, large pieces of meat carefree feeling, can never imagine and Sweden friend to wear a pair of trousers, they grew up self, independent, good education consciousness let most of the time they are of very high quality, at least in public, no one has a brutal or rogue move, decades of old neighbor very harmonious get along, together to drink coffee every day, can never know all the untitled, personal privacy, long story, no matter how personal choice is widely respected, such as homosexuality, such as lifelong not marry, lifelong not marry, in addition to involving personal character behavior no one would comment on someone else's life, of course if it's immoral behavior will despised by most people.
Swedish men are most shy unless they drank wine and girls, otherwise no matter how beautiful your amorous feelings street in Sweden are no man gaze or whistle, or hippies. As the people in the street in a hurry, in addition to the summer sunshine met strangers will say hello, smile or goodwill, most of the time the swedes distance are hung on her face.
And discussed their apathy, a Swedish as swedes themselves to explain the somebody else say the United States like peach, sweet soft appearance, the kernel is hard, swedes like nuts, outside is a layer of hard shell inside is soft and fragrant. Heard that want to and the swedes make bosom friends, to pay a few years or half of the time, but once you become their friends, but the friendship is for life.
  在瑞典,没有人情事故,没有趋炎附势,都是淡淡的来淡淡的去。没有腐败,没有绿灯,一切都按原则和规则,少了很多人情味也少了很多虚与委蛇。 冬天对大多数生活在瑞典的人来说都是单调和寂寞的,很少的阳光,很大的雪。从早晨9点多的时候天亮,下午不到三点天就完全黑了,天亮也不是明亮如夏天,而是一丝灰蒙蒙的样子,不过因为天空是蓝的,便有一丝蓝蒙蒙的样子,漫漫长夜,四五个多小时的天亮,阳光也很少出来让初到瑞典的我一度很嗜睡和说不出来的压抑。在南部靠海的马尔默,淅淅沥沥的雨水雪花加上有时出现的大雾,整个一个冬天见不到太阳也是很正常的。偶尔有太阳的时候是一度让人兴奋的,街上便人头攒动,每个人都尽情的享受阳光,同楼的一个瑞典男生有一次夸张的告诉我习惯了一个冬天没见阳光的天气,明媚的春天来临的日子,看着窗外耀眼的阳光,他不知道发生了什么,最后笑了一笑自己, 想起那是久违的阳光。等到一周后参加派对的时候碰到了让我好惊讶的一件事和开始了对瑞典人思维的第一个了解。晚上六点的时候约好了上次做义务工的学生一起泡桑那并被叮嘱带泳衣,等我拿着泳衣到学生会楼的时候已经晚了半个小时,打电话给我的中国男同学,他半围着浴巾跑了出来,我问女生的桑拿房在哪里,他说男的女的都在一起。 什么????我不相信的看着他,真的假的??真的,北欧特色男女共蒸桑拿你还不来体验一下,他开玩笑的问我然后哈哈坏笑。我拧着他的胳膊最后证实了的确是男女一起的,呆滞。。。。。。然后确认女的都裹着浴巾或者泳衣,男人都是裸体的时候我便誓死也不肯进去。最后他进去穿好衣服我们到旁边玩球,经过桑拿房的时候,有女孩子裹了浴巾出来,然后门是开着的,两个男生赤裸的站在里面喝着啤酒聊着天。我闭着眼睛不可思议的走了过去,然后男女共桑拿便成为中国同学谈笑的新奇段子。
In Sweden, no experience, no snobbery, is light to light. There is no corruption, there is no green light, everything according to the principles and rules, much less appreciate it a lot less pretended. In the winter for most people in Sweden are dull and lonely, little sunshine, a lot of snow. From more than 9 o 'clock in the morning when the morning, less than three o 'clock in the afternoon it was completely dark, the night also is not clear as in the summer, but the appearance of a gray, but because the sky is blue, there is a blue haze of appearance, all night long, more than four or five hours of the morning, the sun and rarely come out to let I to Sweden in the early once very sleepiness and said not to come out of depression. Near the sea in the south of malmo, rain falling snowflakes and sometimes in the fog, the one can't see the sun in the winter also is very normal. Occasionally when having the sun once is exciting, the street is crowded, everyone enjoy the sunshine, with the floor of a Swedish boys have an exaggerated tell I haven't seen the sun used to a winter weather, sunny spring days, watching the dazzling sunshine out of the window, he don't know what happened, finally smiled to smile, think of that is sunshine in a long time. Wait until a week after the party when met a thing let me surprise and began to the swedes thinking of the first to know. 6 PM when the appointment last time together to be compulsory students Tucson, Arizona and was told to bring swimsuit, when I take a swimsuit to the student union building is half an hour late, call my Chinese male classmate, he half around the bath towel ran out, I asked the girl where the sauna room, he said the man woman together. What?????? I don't believe that looked at him, really?? True, men and women in the Nordic characteristics sauna you still not to experience, he jokingly asked me then ha ha bad smile. I twist the arm of his final confirmed is men and women together, dull... Then confirm woman wrapped in a towel or a bathing suit, and men are naked when I also would not go in to the last. Wear good clothes we finally he enter into the next to play ball, after a sauna, a girl wrapped in a towel, and then the door is open, the two boys stood naked inside drinking beer chatted. I walked with closed eyes incredible in the past, and then the men and women altogether sauna became the Chinese students and novelty.
In Sweden immigration, there is no man looking for a virgin, or mind if you are not a virgin, no matter you are divorced, with children, no matter how you have emotional history, it is your own privacy, everyone has no right to interfere, the personal choice you chose you wouldn't mind your past. Your past is not responsible for anyone. You choose your own life and behavior, and shall be responsible for your own life and behavior. A friend is one of my Swedish pilot, handsome young, fell in love with a divorced with two children is 10 years older than his woman, he and she has always been very much in love, he and she together raise her and her two children, and her love to the old. Their marriage didn't get the intervention and against anyone. Because the idea of people in Sweden, it's their own choice, have no right to interfere in others, including parents and sisters relatives children and public opinion on both sides.

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